Friday, January 16, 2009

Electric Fetus

Just like you don't mess with the unborn child, you don't mess with this mix.

1. "Just Drums" Tapes 'n' Tapes. The Loon
2. "Little House of Savages" The Walkmen. Bows + Arrows
3. "Wordless Chorus" My Morning Jacket. Z
4. "The Season" The Dodos. Visiter
5. "Patty Lee" Les Savy Fav. Let's Stay Friends
6. "Dr. Strangeluv" Blonde Redhead. 23
7. "Peacebone" Animal Collective. Strawberry Jam
8. "Aiko" Pete Wen (A. Wen) Guguryo
9. "Furr" Blitzen Trapper. Furr
10. "I Wanna Be Your Dog" Uncle Tupelo. March 16-20, 1992
11. "The Great Salt Lake" Band of Horses. Everything All the Time
12. "Get Your Head Around It" The Headlights. Some Racing Some Stopping
13. "Get Better" Mates of State. Re-Arrange Us
14. "Chicago x 12" Rogue Wave. Asleep at Heaven's Gate
15. "One Big Holiday" My Morning Jacket. It Still Moves

--Audrey Wen


  1. Mixtape foul: two songs by the same band on the same mix. Automatic disqualification.

  2. Dangerous words spoken by someone who hasn't received the music yet

  3. That's just how I roll. Dangerous. I roll dangerous. Besides, I already have all this music, except for tracks 8 and 13.

  4. If you have all the music, I would imagine that you find the mix stupendous...otherwise, wouldn't you have to rail on yourself? Is that why you're trying to disqualify Audrey's based on the 2-song technicality?

  5. No not necessarily. Not when you own 8000 GB of music you did not pay for, and you like the handsomeness of your own words, especially the from-the-hip zingers. There's no time to have an actual opinion. All he means is that "I have the music and I may or may not have listened to it" So overall, it's a pretty benign comment.

  6. I liked this mix better the first time I heard it, when it was called, "This Mix Died On the Cross For Your Sins."

  7. Audrey, I listened to the NQL contributor mixes first with very high hopes. your mix just pulled a dirty sanchez on alex and brian's shoddy work. you should be promoted......

    great mix. I especially liked the front and back ends.

    you still put mixes together as though you picked 15 good songs and threw darts at them to pick their order, but I'm only adding that cuz you would never believe a complimentary, sarcasm-free reply from me.

    ps - your blonde redhead was protected...u should re-send as that is a great song.

  8. Technicalities helped OJ Simpson beat murder charges. Plus, I never said I didn't like the mix (I do, a lot), or that the songs on it were bad, I just disqualified it for the previously specified reason.

  9. I meant to have an upbeat front half, come to a screeching halt with the brotherly love of track 8 and then slowly build up again. I will gladly accept a compliment whenever it belittles Alex and Brian. Yes, even from you.

  10. I must admit, the first few times I listened to this mix, I was not terribly impressed. I know Audrey knows her music, and perhaps I had impossibly high expectations... but there it was. I discovered the problem when I burnt a copy and listened to it in the car. Eureka! That is some good shit. Previous listening took place in my shitty basement office at work and must have turned my ear sour. On a beautiful snowy day, driving about town, Electric Fetus revealed itself. Good stuff.

    ... That is with the exception of the Les Savy Fav pic. Lost me on that one.

  11. You're comment was very flattering until you made your LSF statement. Now you mean nothing to me. LSF can bring back the dead. When I first played Patty Lee, my cat Maggie went from sleeping soundly to launching an attack at the scratching post. Powerful stuff.

  12. Audrey, please. Cat-nip and a bird feather dangled at the end of a bit of string can set a cat into frenzy... doesn't make it good music.

  13. Reveal yourself WHITEY...Nothing hurts like a benign comment from an absolute stranger.

  14. whitey = damien
    I feel retroactively bad (i think they call it regret) about teasing you after your generous review of my mix, but my comment is posted in inter-web permanence. Wasn't trying to hide my ID, but had to create a handle for subscribing to the blog and typically go with one of my less-flattering nick-names.

    Patty Lee is growing on me by the way and the mix gets regular rotation in my play list.

  15. I must admit that I was surprised this was Audrey's mix...definitely more electro-alt than I expected. Only the MMJ gave the mixer away. Must listen more...
