Thursday, January 15, 2009

Your Shit's Burnt Toast

1) En Focus - De La Soul (Buhloone Mind State, 1993)
2) Parisian Goldfish - Flying Lotus (Los Angeles, 2008)
3) Under the Sun - Junior Boys (Last Exit, 2004)
4) Your Silent Face - New Order (Power, Corruption & Lies, 1983)
5) Cheree - Suicide (Suicide, 1977)
6) Endless Summer - Christian Fennesz (Endless Summer, 2001)
7) All Our Base Are Belong to Them - The Books (Thought for Food, 2002)
8) Another Step Away - A Place to Bury Strangers (A Place to Bury Strangers, 2007)
9) Cloud Pleaser - Black Dice (Creature Comforts, 2004)
10) What? - A Tribe Called Quest (The Low End Theory, 1991)

Total runtime: 44:14

--Brian Herrmann


  1. More like your shit's this mix.

  2. I wouldn't throw out the DQ's quite so fast my friend. I will listen to this mix in its entirety before weighing in more critically, but the fact that you've culled through great groups like New Order and De La Soul and came up with those dogs leaves me questioning your judgment and your ability to further post in good conscience.

    and since you weren't involved in killer mix 1 I will warn you that nearly all other participants drank up alex's opinions as though they were life blood, so his resounding disapproval does not bode well for you. mark rastetter may not even listen to your music now that alex has spoken.

  3. Alex's disapproval can suck it.

  4. dude. you are such a rebel. cue chinese fighting music.......

  5. I'll listen to it, but I will take into consideration Alex's disapproval. Alex, is this what you wanted me to say? Why dont you return my calls? Have you received my letters? I visted DC multiple times but you never answer your door... what is going on? I thought we had something....

  6. Sorry, Mark, but I had to move on. I recommend you do as well.

    Brian, I like this mix. Although it does kind of remind me of that sensation you get when you think you have a can of Coke but you actually have a Vanilla Coke, unbeknownst to you until you take your first sip. And it catches you off guard, but not really in a good way. Know what I'm sayin'?

    (The "total runtime" addition still rubs me the wrong way.)

  7. Holy Crap. all I have to say after listening to your mix is "thank you."

    thank you for only subjecting me to 10 songs and 44:14 of music.

  8. I know that feeling, Alex, but in my brain, Coke = milk and Vanilla Coke = water. Don't ask. That runtime thing was just a gauge so you'd know what you were in for.

    Do I have to lend credence to anything Kracker says ever? Dave, you know you love it. YOU LOVE IT.

  9. Brian, I like this mix, there are some good songs, but I gotta say it feels like a collection of good songs with little relevance to each other, sonically or otherwise. Your response?

  10. they're sonically fucking disasterous is what they are, Alex.

    (brian, don't take it personally...I am receiving money under the table from an unnamed source for every derogatory statement I make....seriously, I love your work)

  11. My response: Don't be so defensive.

  12. Pleaese tell me you're not being serious? (Serious in a two-fold manner, first thinking that I was actually being defensive, and second, that your response was in fact serious on account of thinking I was being defensive.) Oh, help me Rhonda.

  13. I listened to the mix, and by the time I got to "another step away" I felt popping ecstasy and heading to an S & M sex club... so i had to turn it off... I can't face those demons again

  14. Mark, almost: You should've eaten mushrooms like an hour before you played YSBT so you'd tripping balls during 6 & 7, and peaking during 8, 9, & 10. Or something.

  15. it's march 25th and I still can't get past the de la soul choice.

    thanks again for computer assistance and I will admit parisian goldfish and your silent face have grown on me.
